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/ artist's statement

This work is about a road upon which I am a frequent traveller.  Enticed by the chaotic beauty of the plants, poised at the edge of the tarmac surface I searched for historical and social links of this pathway to the past.  It set me on a journey that uncovered details and associations that led me to see the road as the ‘to and fro’ of many lives.  The less definition I gave my artwork the more potential there was to evoke a memory or let the audience suggest its own narrative.

/ bio

Having completed a BA Degree in Ceramics and Print, at Camberwell College of Art, I spent a year as Fellow in Ceramics at Cardiff.   There, I extended the range of materials used in my practice and returned to London to continue making sculpture with exhibitions at the Ikon in Birmingham, Oriel in Cardiff, The Minories in Colchester.  After a period of time working in administration for the Arts Council I took up print as my preferred medium back in the studio.  This was interspersed with training at Goldsmiths and teaching.  I moved to Devon 10 years ago where I continue to practice as a Fine Artist and Printmaker.

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A walk is just one more layer, a mark, laid upon

the thousands of other layers of human
and geographic history on the surface of the land….

A road is the site of many journeys…


Richard Long
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight (1980)

Charlotte Price

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